Day 2: Feed My Face or My Body?

I started to feel better today and made the decision to focus a little more on research around my diet. It has become clear that I have been managing this aspect of my life much more poorly than I ever thought. As part of this research, I have begun reading several articles on diet and different foods that benefit and stimulate a healthier mind and body. Through a new lens, I have started to explore my own diet and see that my yo-yo eating pattern has not been feeding my body the right levels of nutrients needed and how this has extended beyond the body to both my mind and my spirit. I have been treating healthy options as a tick in the box exercise and seeing not eating as an option for weight loss. There has been no consistency and my approach to diet has resulted in my body not knowing when to burn energy, when to save it and when to even ask for it. As a parallel to wellness across an entire organisation how many leaders and employees are living their daily existence in this manner. This clearly has not worked as the right food is not just about feeding my face it is about helping the body fight illness and making it stronger. As with an organisations approach to wellness it is not just about ticking the box, it must be a lifestyle change. I see that I have lots to learn here. It is both important and also fascinating to explore what different foods give the body the assistance or repair its various moving parts. I encourage others comments and advice on more tips for healthy options and how to introduce better eating patterns to others. The science of food is definitely something that I have ignored and therefore have not been benefiting from. I also kick-started my first PT session with Tom which went well and I am sure will be highlighted more in future days.

Mantra: Food is Energy

Day 1: New Beginnings

Today was an interesting day as it kick-started the next 50 days of our deep dive into Wellness but the irony was that I did not feel well today. After a very poor night sleep, I was both tired and not feeling my best. I guess I will need to recognise this in relation to the bigger pitch and hence why this blog will keep track of not only my progress but some of my pitfalls along the way. This whole concept of seeing Monday with dread needs to be challenged going forward as this could be an exciting opportunity to set your intentions for the week. This was definitely not my feeling today as I dragged myself to out of bed. Also having my first mindset coaching session I uncovered a key component of the way we feel often stems from the way we speak to ourselves and outwardly of ourselves. This week I plan to listen more to my own verbiage and to have a more conscious focus on the power I hold in this state. I believe that I have fallen into some very negative a destructive patterns that have not allowed my mind, body or spirit the nourishment it needs to be better functioning. The key parallel that I have pulled from today and one that many leaders need to recognise is the way they feel often sets the tone for the way others in their team feel about themselves and the rest of the organisation. I have never really considered that I was a negative person but after Martin allowed me to be more conscious of some of my outward dialogue I have to say I had a bit of a wake-up call. The first step is admitting that we have a journey to wellness and we are all in different places on this road and to be humble to the fact that the support of others is needed.

Mantra: No more ‘but”

Bridge Talks: Michael Chaskalson on Mindfulness

On September 15, BridgeTalks was joined by Mindfulness expert, Michael Chaskalson as he presented “Mindful Leadership” at the Courthouse Hotel.

Michael is one of the UK’s leading mindfulness trainers, author of The Mindful Workplace, and the founder and director of Mindfulness Works Ltd., a major European provider of mindfulness-based interventions.

Delegates enjoyed complimentary seated massages from Therapy Solutions during registration and were ‘blissed out’ and ready to be mindful when the talk began at 7pm.

The talk was opened by Dale Smith, Director of Creation at Bridge Training & Events. Dale introduced Michael by speaking to the delegates on his experience of mindfulness by using a conscious mind; being aware of the task at hand, finding calm in any environment and setting a daily alarm to remind himself to be mindful.

Michael opened his talk by introducing the concept of mindfulness and what it actually means. He then took delegates back to his beginnings in the subject – as a practising Buddhist, Michael went on to study mindfulness as a formalised subject at University of Bangor. He was the first graduate of his course – at a time where were just 44 peer-reviewed articles on the subject (there are now 50 publications per month). While doing so, Michael realised his future career was to be found in increasing people’s mindfulness, leading to a better work environment for themselves as well as for others.

Michael then continued with examples of the successful results of mindfulness training, particularly in US Marines. Michael explained the necessity of mindfulness and clear thinking, as an act by a marine can lead to great personal and political effects. Therefore, decisions have to be made consciously.

Delegates then experienced mindfulness first-hand with a guided meditation. Each guest was handed a raisin, and Michael guided delegates consider the raisin mindfully, by consciously touching, feeling, looking, smelling and tasting the raisin.

Delegates gave their feedback as Michael asked how they experienced the raisin and how mindful they were when the raisin was consumed so consciously. Some delegates considered the raisin’s journey, some realised they actually liked raisins and others were sad when the experience was over.

Michael illustrated that by training the mind in mindfulness for just 12 minutes a day, decision-making becomes better.

Delegates enjoyed drinks and canapés at the networking reception following the talk, in the Courthouse Hotel bar.

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