Momentum is building as BridgeCon 2015 comes one week closer to realisation. Last night Bridge hosted another BridgeTalks event, and the topic of ‘Mindfulness’ gave me some interesting perspective on the Talent Management stream during the afternoon of October 14th. I found myself delving deeper into the true importance of the role of mindful leaders in the development and motivation of talent within organisations.
Talent is something that often needs to be nurtured, and the placement of the right people in the correct roles requires careful consideration. Whether it be a new starter or an existing member of the senior leadership team, people need to feel supported and connected to their environment. As a more mindful leader, it is within our power to focus more on the detail required to ignite the true potential that exists within our employees.
The learning and growth environment that we create forms the building blocks to true innovation, empowerment, empathy and all the required values that ensure internal and external customers are experiencing service excellence at every turn. Nurture or nature – talent needs focus if it is to be fully realised and utilised as a key function of the employer brand. It needs to be marketed to and given a clear personality and direction.
What I love about all three case studies in this stream is just how they communicate the true vision of the business and the importance that they (the employees) play in its success. Talent must be held in the highest regard as from this pool we should develop our next leaders. It may take many forms and come in the most unlikely of places, and hence the role of a mindful leader needs to be creative in their approach to discover it.
As I mentioned in the last Scoop, the real challenge of the day will be just choosing which of the two streams you attend. As far as challenges go it is a good one to have. I look forward to meeting you there.