Day 15: Recalibrate


Between the parallels

Today was hard – I’m not sure if Monday played a part, but something was definitely happening today. I just felt exhausted and lacking all energy – I wanted to just rest.  However, this felt different from the‘I need a nap’ phase last week, as I could feel something shifting. It was as if my body was changing and it just needed to take a break so that I could readjust to some of the changes that it was going through. This recalibration is a key stage of any transformation programme as throughout any journey it is important to embed downtime to allow for internal shifting to take place. Not all employees engage at the same pace, and so this down time allows for any learning to be made practical back in employees’ live environment. However, the day also had an another twist – the team came together and we shared a potluck lunch for the first time. From my slumber state on the floor, I had a sense of calm as I could see a happier team who had a common purpose outside their daily tasks. This was made fun as this was a real and social event organised by them as a team and not by the project.

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