Day 18: Mix it up a little


Between the parallels

I have to say if I have learned anything by this stage of the transformation, it is to have a laugh and with a light heart, just take some things as they come. Tonight I decided to totally change direction. To avoid disappointment I had no recipe and just wanted to see what it would be like to really push my creative boundaries in the kitchen. I started with a simple stir-fry, and if I had’ve kept it simple then life (and dinner) would have been great. At one point I thought maybe some Whole30 compliant fish sauce would make it just that much better. Possibly it would have – in the right amount – but I added too much. Then I found myself trying to compensate for that error with some coconut milk – which made a soup-like consistency. Then something else to change that, and so it continued on.  The parallel that I could draw from this is that as a leader of a transformation, it is better to just be humble and admit that we do not always get it right, instead of continuously trying to put one patch over another without stopping and taking a fresh perspective on something. Sometimes it is better to be happy in the now and take the time to enjoy one milestone before rushing on to better it.


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