Day 25: Experience


Between the parallels

Failure only happens if you do not learn from was went wrong. This was my motto today as I had another full day out with clients. Learning from my last experience in which I had not prepared my food in advance, I came well prepared today and had both my healthy snacks and Whole30 lunch with me. This was then doubled as Sharn, knowing the challenges that one can face when on the road, also ensured that I was covered with respect to food, by bringing some compliant snacks for me. This brings me back to the Bridge value of Sharing Knowledge Openly – using the information that is given to us from a place of experience. We often learn in real time, and this information should be better programmed to assist others in the future. This may sound like a small parallel, but in the small stuff you can guide others to a simpler outcome, just from not getting it right every time.

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