Day 7: Ask the experts


Between the parallels

Wow: as the day moved on I started to feel a little fatigue and then – bang – I just hit a wall. It was like a wave of tiredness just suddenly came over me with an unexpected force. To help me better understand what had just happened, I referred back to the Whole30 website and looked at what the experts and others before me had tracked as some of their experiences. My feeling was validated, as days 6 and 7 are denoted ‘I need a nap!’.

With this little insight I no longer felt daunted, and in fact felt validated that I was on the same proven journey to success – this was just my first blip.

I then started to do the math on what this day would be in our parallel world of a year-long company programme; this would be month three. The time when we see the first signs of fatigue for the key internal stakeholders, as they have been working hard to drive the initiative into the organisation. Giving so much time and energy to others can be exhausting. This is usually short-lived as at the programme is taking root and they are also seeing real signs of change in their teams.

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