
Vision Health

Category: culture

Since late 2015 and continuing through into 2017, Bridge has been working with Vision, a technology company that offers support for medical services – in the form of an app, computer programme and online tool for medical professionals.

Bridge was originally brought on board to create a values-based behavioural framework for what was then called INPS. This was complemented by the mapping of a full appraisals process, and included an employee handbook and live buzz sessions to introduce the process and framework to frontline staff.

With the success of the behavioural framework and appraisals project, Bridge was commissioned to create new values and purpose. With this new vision in mind, “To Revolutionise the Digital Healthcare Experience”, an internal campaign was storyboarded and refined – and Reboot was born. The concept behind this is to take the best of the ‘stored memory’ and previous success of the company and ‘restart’ the system for a fresh beginning.

Including five organisation-wide values-based modules for all levels of staff dispersed throughout the year, the Reboot programme also incorporates bi-monthly stakeholder (director) strategy days which look at the forward thinking and top level strategy of the company – inward and outward facing. All work is underpinned by a strong focus on the customer service that employees deliver daily – both internally and externally.

In addition to this, a leadership programme is covering topics including The Role of a Leader as Coaching Ambassador, Inside the Strategic Mind of a Successful Leader, The power of a Visionary Leader and Influencing and Building Lasting Rapport.

Further embedding the Reboot campaign, Bridge has successfully used Jive, the company’s internal social network to engage staff between modules, utilising staff-created content.

To reflect the internal culture outwardly and in time to launch the new product, ‘Vision’, Bridge completely overhauled the customer-facing brand. This includes new branding, logo, brand story, website and voice (INPS website to the right; Vision to the bottom right).

Anecdotal evidence and first-hand experience onsite has seen the culture shift for the positive in the last 12 months. One example of this was the summer party in July 2016, where several interviewed staff described Reboot as “re-energising”, a “fresh start”, “a chance to regroup and rethink” and as having a “positive impact on the way people are feeling and the way people are actually doing their jobs”.

Feedback from interactive sessions has consistently rated above 8 out of 10 for specificity or the workshop to individual roles and development needs and providing fresh ideas, techniques and information, and above 9 out of 10 for the overall performance of the facilitator. Comments on the workshops have included:

“Really fun way to deliver on of the company’s values. If everyone takes it on then it could be a game changer for INPS.”

“Lots of energy; feel like staying with company rather than wanting to leave.”

“An inspiration. One I’ve been needing.”

“The workshop helped me remember the effect that my work has and reminded me to take pride in everything I do.”

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