
Bupa Health Clinics & Dental

Category: engagement

Bridge has worked with Bupa Health Clinics, Dental Clinics and Onsite (on corporate premises) to introduce a customer service programme across its front of house and management population. The objective of this nationwide project was to deliver a consistent, market-leading customer experience.

Customer Service / Experience is seen as a key differentiator for Bupa Clinics and this programme was the first step in a larger project looking at the experience Bupa Customers receive when they engage with one of the centres – a foundation and precursor to a full employee engagement programme on living the Bupa values.

In this programme, Bridge took staff on a journey, allowing them to understand the impact they have on the customer journey and experience, show them how to bring the Bupa values to life in order to deliver a consistent customer experience across all sites and teach staff the skills to deliver a customer-centred service.

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